Thursday, March 30, 2017

Soul Sacrifice - 3/13/17

we've been having bomb lessons with The Squad. (Shemone, Sequoia, Eric and Samia) They are awesome and they were all interviewed and passed! we also went by Lorenzo and he was jamming out to some corridos. what a great guy. we found this guy named Ray, and a member texted us saying they met their new neighbors and invited us over to eat and meet them! yay!! member work! lets go!! we did our usual service at the Scotts and helped the Cervantes do some genealogy. they are excited to find out about their ancestors. Hmno Vasquez from Ed Couch was up here he is the counselor down in Weslaco. he was working up here and it was good to sit down with him eat and just hear how things are going. this one night after a day of set things it was now 8pm and we had no set plans. so we set out to find. knocked a few doors. we placed a book of mormon then finally we turned down a street we've never been on. see this house and go to it. thanks to the spirit, we knock the door and this guy opens up we have some small talk and then he lets us inside. they are the Massey family. come to find out theyve been to the LDS church before in Alamo texas but moved and lost contact. the son (John) believed that God would soon send another prophet to guide the people here on earth.. we taught the restoration and it was one of the most spirit filled lessons. Heavenly Father is merciful. we had a zone conference and we talked about The Law Of Sacrifice. Change your heart and your mind will change. we also learned about the deep symbolism about the tabernacle in 1 Samuel. its kinda crazy how we as a district had just watched a animated bible video about Samuel and then in zone conference we talked exactly about the video we just so happened to watch. the mission is like a burn offering to the lord. what are we willing to give to him. an offering like Abel, or Cane.
we came home at the end of the meeting and made a list of what we would give as a "burnt offering". we put a variety of things on our separate lists but i know the lord will provide and lift our burdens as we continue in his vineyard. Stand strong like Nephi and dont let opposition push you over. the spirit has filled my heart in the exact moment opposition tries to run over. im so thankful for the tender mercies from the lord. we are also focusing a lot on staying loyal to Jesus Christ, keeping your focus on the mission and not being a ramera. our mission president told us, if you cant be loyal to jesus christ what makes you think you can be loyal to your wife or husband in the future.
we had stake conference this weekend it was awesome to see all the old Portland homies. Eric was baptized after!! andale!!!! whooo!! we are honestly so grateful to be instruments here in beeville and just in general thankful for the blessings the lord has given us. we found 3 potential families. Met this woman named Pebbles we are going to start teaching her and her family. Pebbles reminds me so much of my sister Mica. The way she talks, they sound the same. Before we left i said.. Pebbles did you know youre awesome.. we could see the spirit in her eyes she was so happy.. and we are super excited to visit them. I really love my sister Mica. honestly visiting people i really try to instantly think of them as my friends or family members. it just helps me love them even more. but yeah my sister Mica is awesome! we'd always talk about our days and just be homies. i really cherished the letters she would send me updating me on my family and really helping me endure. it made me cry reading her testimony and just seeing how much she appreciated our talks. She's a genuine friend i'll always have. I know she's rooting for me and all the other missionaries out here. give her a big hug for me if you ever see her. I know God lives and everyone has a purpose. I literally know without a doubt.. I feel like im living in a dream.. everything is so great, even the hard times are great! im so grateful for this opportunity. I strongly invite all that are able to go, to go on a mission. you'll never regret it.
getting their new pros shoes
Eric and Rambo
work in progress
Eric was so pumped!!
The Squad
Pre Splash

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